You have been a prisoner in your own existence as long as you have known it. You were born into a world that was not made for you. The humans with their systems, the laws of nature that obviously don’t consider you, and the world as we know it today are not as they seem.
It is all against you…Why? Because there are people out there who thrive on keeping you ignorant about anything beyond your existence right now. They don’t want you to know that there is a bigger purpose and meaning to our lives than what they have told us all along. This article will teach you why they don’t want you to know this and how you can break free from their trap — even if it seems impossible now.
What They Don’t Want You to Know About Your Existence
There are many things they don’t want you to know about your existence. The most important one being what you are. This is the foundation on which the rest of their lies about your life are built. If you knew what you were, you would know that you are not limited to this planet, this dimension, and this physical form. You would know that you are not subject to death in the way we are told. You would know that you are eternal and have always existed, and that you will exist for all eternity — until you decide to leave this existence. You would also know how vast and unlimited your consciousness actually is. You would know that there is no such thing as death or disease in the way they are described. And you would know that you have the power to create anything you want, with just the power of your thoughts.
How We Are Their Prisoners
If you know that you are not a human being, but are actually an eternal spirit, then you would know that you are not subject to the laws of this world. You don’t have to go to school, work, or get a job. You don’t have to pay bills or taxes, or have any money or property. You don’t have to die and you don’t have to deal with the consequences of their ways of life. You are free from all of this and can live in an abundant, happy and successful way — with no pain and suffering.
The problem is that the more you believe that you are a human being, the more you will be subject to their laws, rules and ways of life. You will start to believe that you have to live their lives, work their jobs, and get their education — while they sit back and laugh at you, while they keep feeding you lies and poison that will keep you a prisoner of their ways. And the more you accept that you’re a human, the more limited you will become. You will become limited in your beliefs, thoughts, and actions. And you will become a prisoner of your own existence.
The Bigger Picture of Why You Are Here
If you knew that there is a bigger picture to your existence, you would know that there is no point in living a miserable life just to please others. You would know that there is no point in trying to fit in and be like the people around you. There is no point in stressing out about getting the best job and having a nice house, if that’s not what you really want out of life. You would know that there is a bigger picture to this life you have been given and that you have a higher purpose for being here. You would know that there is a reason for you to be here and that you are here to achieve something. You are not meant to just live a normal, meaningless life and die. There is a reason you have been placed here and there is a bigger reason why you are here.
You Have a Mission and Purpose for Being Here
If you knew that you have a mission and a higher purpose for being here, you would know that you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to do with your life. You would know that you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to make a living from your passion. You would know that there is something that you came to do and that you have the power and ability to do it. You would know that you have a mission and a purpose here and that you are not meant to be just another ordinary person. You are here to do something great and special, and you will know what it is. You would know that it might not be something you will be able to see right now and that it might take time. But it is there and it will come to you when the time is right.
How to Break Free from the Trap They Have Set for You
If you knew that there is a bigger picture to this existence, that there is something more to your life, and that you have a mission and a higher purpose here, then you would know that you have the power to break free from the trap they have set for you. You have the power to break free from their laws, their culture and their ways of living. You have the power to stop being a prisoner of your own existence. You have the power to do whatever you want, create whatever you want, and live a happy and successful life — regardless of what they say is impossible. You have the power to live a life that has a purpose and meaning, and one that will make you happy. And you can do all of this by knowing that you are not a human being, but an eternal spirit — and everything will change from that point onward.
What they Don’t want you to Know- Conclusion
They don’t want you to know that there is a deeper meaning to your existence. They don’t want you to know that there is more to our lives than just living, dying, and being buried in the ground. They don’t want you to know that there is something more to you than just being a human being. They don’t want you to know that you have the power to live a life without pain, suffering and failure. They don’t want you to know any of this because once you know the truth, you will break free from the trap they have set for you. You will no longer be one of their prisoners. And you will be able to live your life the way you know it is supposed to be lived — full of love, joy, abundance and happiness.